ADHS News2024-08-19T13:53:42-07:00

Pfizer Vaccine Booster Doses: Your Questions Answered

Vaccines continue providing robust protection against hospitalization and death from COVID-19. But federal officials have determined that it is time for members of certain groups, including those 65 and older, to get boosters of the Pfizer vaccine if they are at least six months past their second dose. Here are some quick questions and answers about what’s going on with [...]

By |September 27th, 2021|Preparedness|Comments Off on Pfizer Vaccine Booster Doses: Your Questions Answered

September Is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

With Arizona marking September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we recognize the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on many stressors, including emotional hardships, that can impact the overall health and mental well-being of Arizonans. It has never been more important for us to stay connected to the people we care about. ADHS recently launched a campaign highlighting the positive effect of [...]

By |September 21st, 2021|Prevention|Comments Off on September Is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Protect Yourself: Arizona is Experiencing a Record High Season for West Nile Virus

Amid a wetter monsoon season than recent years, Arizona is experiencing a record high season for the West Nile virus, which transmits through mosquito bites. Through late last week, Arizona had seen 123 cases and four deaths. Nearly all of them have been in Maricopa County, where West Nile virus has been detected in record numbers of mosquitos studied.  Most [...]

By |September 21st, 2021|Preparedness|Comments Off on Protect Yourself: Arizona is Experiencing a Record High Season for West Nile Virus

Hear Her: Learn the urgent maternal warning signs to help save women’s lives

Any mom’s life lost is one too many. Over the years, maternal deaths and other complications that occur during and after pregnancy have been on the rise nationwide and in Arizona.  In our state, about 70 women die each year, and about a third of these die from pregnancy-related complications, with the largest burden being among indigenous women. More than [...]

By |September 20th, 2021|Prevention|Comments Off on Hear Her: Learn the urgent maternal warning signs to help save women’s lives

CDC: All COVID-19 Vaccines Provide Substantial Protection Against Hospitalization

A study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that all COVID-19 vaccines being used in the United States provide substantial protection against hospitalization.  News outlets will understandably focus on how the vaccines rank in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR): 93% effectiveness against hospitalization for Moderna, 88% for Pfizer/BioNTech’s Cormirnity, and 71% [...]

By |September 17th, 2021|Preparedness|Comments Off on CDC: All COVID-19 Vaccines Provide Substantial Protection Against Hospitalization

Foodborne Illness Affects One in Six Across the U.S.

We’ve all had those times when our stomach doesn’t feel just right, often after eating. And often, that stomachache is no more than minor discomfort that lasts just a short time. Even though the American food supply is among the safest in the world, an estimated 128,000 people each year require a hospital stay because of foodborne illness, resulting in [...]

By |September 16th, 2021|Preparedness|Comments Off on Foodborne Illness Affects One in Six Across the U.S.
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