ADHS News2024-08-19T13:53:42-07:00

Smoking cessation PSAs win Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards

Following up on a recent blog, I'm pleased to share that two public service announcements developed for our Arizona Smokers Helpline (ASHLine) won Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards over the weekend.  “The Run,” produced by True Story Films, won in the Single Spot Commercial category. “Milestones,” produced by Matter Films and OH Partners, won for Health/Medical Content.  Both PSAs, inspired by [...]

By |October 3rd, 2022|Prevention|Comments Off on Smoking cessation PSAs win Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards

AARP Arizona town hall on Omicron boosters has important information for all ages

AARP Arizona has been a tremendous partner throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Our collaborations to promote public health have included virtual town halls for AARP members on COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 boosters.  At 3:05 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29, we’ll join AARP Arizona for a virtual town hall on the new Omicron booster doses that target the most prevalent COVID-19 subvariants. These [...]

By |September 28th, 2022|Preparedness|Comments Off on AARP Arizona town hall on Omicron boosters has important information for all ages

World Rabies Day: One Health, Zero Deaths

Would you know what to do if you become one of the approximately 30 people in Arizona exposed to rabies each year?  Sept. 28 is World Rabies Day, and ADHS joins partners around the globe working to raise awareness about prevention and the impact of rabies. The theme from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this year is [...]

By |September 28th, 2022|General|Comments Off on World Rabies Day: One Health, Zero Deaths

Fungus Disease Awareness Week: Valley fever not the only concern in Arizona

In Arizona and nearby areas in the Southwest, there's a strong likelihood that a person who develops a fungal infection is facing Valley fever. After all, roughly two-thirds of the nation's Valley fever cases are diagnosed in Arizona. There have been more than 7,000 cases diagnosed in our state this year. However, there are many different types of fungal diseases [...]

By |September 22nd, 2022|Prevention|Comments Off on Fungus Disease Awareness Week: Valley fever not the only concern in Arizona

Working to achieve a goal of zero suicides

As we mark national Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, I’m highlighting the new suicide prevention website at that connects people with information and help.  Resources include:  Details on groups that are disproportionately affected groups including LBGTQ, older adults, teenagers, veterans, American Indians, and those who have survived previous attempts at self harm Local and national resources for those in a [...]

By |September 21st, 2022|Prevention|Comments Off on Working to achieve a goal of zero suicides

Whether or not it’s called a pandemic, COVID-19 remains an active concern

Is the COVID-19 pandemic over?  That question is getting a lot of attention this week, and it's natural to wonder where ADHS stands. In Arizona, however, we look past terminology to the impact of a virus on the health and wellness of our residents.   There's no question that COVID-19 remains a state, national, and global problem. The impacts have been [...]

By |September 20th, 2022|Preparedness|Comments Off on Whether or not it’s called a pandemic, COVID-19 remains an active concern
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