Vaccine Preventable Diseases in 2016 – Measles, Flu, and Hib
The 2016 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Annual Report was released by the Office of Infectious Disease Services this past week. It highlights five vaccine-preventable diseases that disease detectives track and monitor, tasks that are critical to help identify cases and reduce further spread to others. This report covers the largest measles outbreak in the nation for 2016, the influenza season with the [...]
Opioid Update: Latest Data and Emergency Rules Update
The emergency declaration for opioid overdoses continues in Arizona, as does the hard work of people across the state doing their part to curb the opioid epidemic. Latest data from the opioid surveillance show that more than 3,200 opioid overdoses have been suspected, with over 400 of those being deaths since June 15. Here’s some of what we’ve learned so far: [...]
2017 Arizona Dental Infection Prevention Collaborative
Our Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program collaborated with the Organization of Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) to provide a day long Arizona Dental Infection Prevention Collaborative. The collaborative, held September 29th, brought together about 100 Arizona dental providers to learn new evidence-based practices in preventing infections and reducing harm. This training event provided education to infection control coordinators and dental personnel [...]
Updated Data Added to Community Profiles Dashboard
Our Community Profiles Dashboard is a public information website developed by ADHS to provide the public with a quick, convenient no-cost data summary tool for Arizona health data. Data on the Dashboard were just recently updated and now include data from 2010 through 2015. The 2016 data are expected to be added later this year or early 2018. The dashboard allows [...]
Childhood Lead Poisoning Surveillance Report Just Released
Our Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program has just released their 2016 Annual Blood Lead Surveillance Report. The report describes statewide and county level data, including a breakdown of elevated blood lead levels and screening rates in high-risk zip codes. More than 59,000 children under the age of 6 were tested for lead across the state in 2016. 347 of those [...]
Infant at Work Program Wins National Award
Our ADHS Infant at Work program has earned national recognition from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the de Beaumont Foundation. The Infant at Work program won an inaugural Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS) Model Policies and Practices Challenge Best State award. The challenge highlights workforce innovations that are changing the public [...]