ADHS News2024-08-19T13:53:42-07:00

Testing for COVID-19: PCR and Serology (Antibody Testing)

There are now multiple types of COVID-19 tests available, including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and serology (antibody testing). Both test types are becoming increasingly available in our communities. The PCR test is a diagnostic test that looks for the presence of viral nucleic acids and tells if a person is currently infected with the virus. A new diagnostic test, known [...]

By |May 15th, 2020|Preparedness|Comments Off on Testing for COVID-19: PCR and Serology (Antibody Testing)

Consejos para ayudar a manejar condiciones de salud crónicas durante el brote de COVID-19

Mientras es posible que cualquier persona sufra de una enfermedad grave por el coronavirus (COVID-19), es fundamental señalar que los grupos de mayor riesgo incluyen personas de 65 años o más, y personas que consumen tabaco o padecen problemas de salud subyacentes como una enfermedad del corazón, diabetes, asma, cáncer u otras enfermedades respiratorias crónicas. En Arizona, una de cada [...]

By |May 11th, 2020|covid-19-spanish|Comments Off on Consejos para ayudar a manejar condiciones de salud crónicas durante el brote de COVID-19

Identifying COVID-19 Deaths in Arizona

Today’s dashboard includes an important update to the COVID-19 data including notable changes related to the identification of COVID-19 deaths in Arizona. Surveillance of deaths is an important component of any communicable disease investigation. This surveillance can provide key information about risk factors and the severity of a disease, especially when dealing with a novel virus. As a result of [...]

By |May 8th, 2020|Preparedness|Comments Off on Identifying COVID-19 Deaths in Arizona

Modeling, Data Analysis, and Next Steps for Arizona’s Response to COVID-19

We appreciate the work of the talented professionals who assisted our team of public health professionals and experienced epidemiologists in developing a state model. The department established the partnership to provide an additional model for consideration. This model was completed on April 20, 2020.  With months of data now available, we have shifted our primary focus from predictive models to [...]

By |May 6th, 2020|Preparedness|Comments Off on Modeling, Data Analysis, and Next Steps for Arizona’s Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 Dashboard Now Includes Data about Antibody Testing

ADHS has worked in partnership with laboratories and healthcare providers across Arizona to increase COVID-19 testing capacity. Increased testing is now possible due to greater availability of testing supplies, which weren’t available earlier in the course of this outbreak. More information about testing gives public health a better understanding of how Arizona has been impacted by COVID-19 and allows us [...]

By |May 5th, 2020|Preparedness|Comments Off on COVID-19 Dashboard Now Includes Data about Antibody Testing

La Reserva Estratégica Nacional es un recurso clave para nuestra respuesta COVID-19

Para apoyar la respuesta estatal COVID-19, nuestros programas de preparación de salud pública estatales y locales están recibiendo y distribuyendo suministros médicos para salvar vidas de la Reserva Nacional Estratégica (SNS por sus siglas en inglés). Hasta ahora, ADHS ha distribuido más de 181,681 máscaras N95, 532,500 máscaras quirúrgicas, 85,248 protectores faciales, 70,570 batas quirúrgicas, 1,756 cubre-todos y más de [...]

By |May 4th, 2020|covid-19-spanish|Comments Off on La Reserva Estratégica Nacional es un recurso clave para nuestra respuesta COVID-19
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