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21st Annual Four Corners Conference: Learning and Strategizing in Durango

By |2017-02-10T09:49:06-07:00November 18th, 2015|Prevention|

For more than 20 years, public health advocates and clinical practitioners have been meeting in the Southwest to talk about what's new in TB and HIV.  Earlier this month, Arizona’s public health and clinical representatives joined our federal and four-corner-state counterparts in Durango, Colorado. At this 21st conference, presentations ran the gamut from TB case [...]

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HIV Testing and Awareness Campaign Begins

By |2017-02-10T09:49:06-07:00November 11th, 2015|Prevention|

Our HIV Prevention Program in the Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease launched Arizona's first statewide HIV prevention media campaign in late October. The media campaign uses the tagline “Its Only Dangerous When You Don’t Know It’s There” and is designed to positively promote and support HIV-related public health and safety. The campaign features people running [...]

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Arizona babies receive good grades in latest Report Card

By |2017-02-10T09:49:06-07:00November 5th, 2015|Prevention|

The March of Dimes released its 2015 Premature Birth Report Card today giving our state a “B” grade. New this year, the annual report card ranked state cities and revealed Arizona has a 9 percent preterm birth rate. The report card grades Arizona cities with the greatest number of births on their 2013 preterm birth rates. [...]

Health Care Provider Spotlight

By |2017-02-10T09:49:07-07:00October 13th, 2015|Prevention|

October is Corps Community Month, now in its fifth year to bring awareness on the importance of the primary care workforce in improving health.  This month highlights the benefits and impact of the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) programs in bringing more health care providers into underserved communities with limited access.  The NHSC increases access [...]

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

By |2017-02-10T09:49:08-07:00October 2nd, 2015|General, Prevention|

Across the country domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women aged 15-44. In Arizona last year, 109 individuals and four dogs lost their lives to domestic violence. During the first five months of 2015, there have been 40 documented domestic violence related deaths. Domestic violence does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter what [...]

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After the Storm: Healthy Living Tips

By |2017-02-10T09:49:10-07:00September 1st, 2015|Preparedness, Prevention|

Our state has experienced some powerful storms over the past month with the most recent hitting the Greater Phoenix Area last night. After the storm passes, the threat to public health can continue. Fortunately, there are simple actions you can take to prevent the spread of these health risks, including mosquito-borne disease, flood water runoff [...]

National Immunization Survey Released by CDC

By |2017-02-10T09:49:10-07:00August 27th, 2015|Preparedness|

This month is National Immunization Awareness Month and we can’t stress enough how important vaccines are to protecting your family, yourself, and those around you. According to the Centers for Disease Control immunizations are one of the top 10 public health accomplishments of the 20th century. The 2014 National Immunization Survey for toddlers was released by [...]

New Campaign Highlights Safe Sleep Awareness

By |2017-02-10T09:49:10-07:00August 18th, 2015|Prevention|

Today ADHS, the Safe Sleep Task Force, and several community partners launched a new public awareness campaign to teach parents and care givers of infants about safe sleeping environments. The numbers show heartbreaking statistics. In 2013, 74 infants died suddenly and unexpectedly, often referred to as SUID—sudden unexpected infant death. The cause of death for 64 of [...]

Tips for Parents as Kids Head Back to School and Childcare

By |2017-02-10T09:49:10-07:00August 12th, 2015|Licensing|

As parents prepare for children to return to school or child care, Bureau of Child Care Licensing has some helpful hints for you to keep in mind to better ensure that your child will be safe and well-cared for in your absence. You can check out a facility’s track record regarding compliance with licensing regulations [...]

Diabetes Program Launches Text-Based Engagement Program

By |2017-02-10T09:49:13-07:00July 1st, 2015|Prevention|

Our Diabetes Program has launched a mobile health patient engagement program for the first time in Arizona.  This initiative will target patients with diabetes or diabetes risk factors, as well as at-risk women and children, through the use of automated text messaging. In partnership with Adelante Healthcare, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), we will [...]

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