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CDC: COVID-19 Vaccine Very Effective at Preventing Hospitalization Among Adolescents

By |2021-10-21T14:01:49-07:00October 21st, 2021|Preparedness|

If your adolescent child remains unvaccinated against COVID-19, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a compelling reason to get him or her vaccinated. The CDC’s latest Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report details a study that found the Pfizer vaccine, the only one currently authorized for use for those [...]

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CDC offers a new view on how vaccination dramatically reduces COVID-19 risk

By |2021-10-18T15:10:43-07:00October 18th, 2021|Preparedness|

Last month, we shared a new way the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looks at the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in light of rare breakthrough cases.  This approach examines the difference between unvaccinated and fully vaccinated individuals when it comes to COVID-19 cases and deaths. It uses rates of an outcome among each [...]

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Urgent CDC Announcement Strongly Recommends Vaccination for Pregnant Women

By |2021-10-06T07:33:07-07:00October 5th, 2021|Preparedness|

Waiting on COVID-19 vaccination because you are pregnant creates unnecessary risks for you and for your pregnancy.  That’s the focus of an emergency announcement recently from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It points to low vaccination rates among women who are pregnant, who are trying to become pregnant, and who want to [...]

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CDC: All COVID-19 Vaccines Provide Substantial Protection Against Hospitalization

By |2021-09-17T14:34:12-07:00September 17th, 2021|Preparedness|

A study released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finds that all COVID-19 vaccines being used in the United States provide substantial protection against hospitalization.  News outlets will understandably focus on how the vaccines rank in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR): 93% effectiveness against hospitalization for Moderna, 88% [...]

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CDC study: COVID-19 vaccines remain highly effective, especially against hospitalization and death

By |2021-09-10T12:22:16-07:00September 10th, 2021|Preparedness|

We at ADHS are pleased to have contributed to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report offering a new and very useful way to look at the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in light of rare breakthrough cases among the fully vaccinated. A key takeaway from this report in the CDC’s Morbidity and [...]

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CDC launches COVID-19 toolkit for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities

By |2021-09-09T08:57:36-07:00September 9th, 2021|Preparedness|

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a toolkit to help those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as their caregivers, learn how to guard against COVID-19. The pandemic has posed extra challenges for members of the disabled community. In April, we at ADHS were proud to partner with Ability360, The [...]

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CDC report: Getting your COVID-19 vaccination helps protect kids

By |2021-09-03T15:00:51-07:00September 3rd, 2021|Preparedness|

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report released today offers more evidence that vaccinating as many eligible people as possible against COVID-19 is a critical part of protecting kids from infection and severe illness.  The analysis in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) found that emergency department visits and hospital admissions [...]

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Plans for Vaccine Booster Shots from Pfizer and Moderna Being Finalized Now by FDA, CDC

By |2021-08-25T11:39:33-07:00August 25th, 2021|Preparedness|

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced last week that it has developed a plan to begin offering booster shots this fall for those who have received the Pfizer/Comirnaty and Moderna vaccines to protect against COVID-19. It anticipates boosters as well for those who received the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine, but that [...]

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CDC strengthens recommendation for COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy

By |2021-08-16T11:26:04-07:00August 16th, 2021|Preparedness|

Among the #VaxFacts videos we launched last week is one noting there’s no evidence that getting vaccinated can affect your fertility. Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has strengthened its recommendation that pregnant women get vaccinated against COVID-19. This is based on a new analysis of current data that found no increase [...]

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The CDC provides yet another reason to get your COVID-19 vaccine

By |2021-08-11T14:35:38-07:00May 13th, 2021|Preparedness|

Today brings more encouraging news for those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 -- and another reason for everyone else to get their shot. New guidance from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says fully vaccinated people can resume activities indoors as well as outdoors without wearing a mask or physically distancing. The CDC notes, [...]

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