Cara Christ, MD and her team put together a dynamite new PowerPoint presentation on the role of AZ physicians under AZ’s Medical Marijuana Act. The goal of the presentation is to provide a resource for physicians to be better informed about their role under the Act- and to learn about the checks and balances that we included in the system to ensure that the program keeps its “medical” character.
Medical Marijuana Presentation for Physicians
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While inhalents/vaporizers are mentioned later, should it be on the Routes of Administration point. Also studies havve shown that the topical salves can have medicinal properties. When dispensary licenses are issued will this put existing caregivers who become less than 25 miles away in jeopardy? I have nothing but good to say to everyone about how Arizona is setting the standard for the rest of the country, Thanks.
Bravo to the dedicated civil servants of Arizona for seriously attempting to do this right.
The medical director’s role is a smart integration of free markets, professional sciences, technological systems and educational responsibility — all required for the successful regulation and implementation of what will prove to be a genuinely innovative and safe organic medicine industry.
Where can this Power Point be found at please. I’d like to share it with my Dr. here in Indiana as she has not graduated as of yet.
Thank you.
You can find the powerpoint at
Really Mr. Humble you had to go there and put out a 74 page screed about the DANGERS that are only in your mind about medical cannabis which has been working really well in our state for almost a year now and no thanks to you.
Why do you even include MARINOL which is a synthetic pharmaceutical that does not contain one iota of cannabis sativa in our Arizona Medical Marijuana program. This is not your job to be pushing big Pharma drugs that are for profit.
Please take this erroneous powerpoint off your website and have the Patients Out of Time or Americans for Safe Access provide educational materials. I am outraged at your lack of scholarship and integrity in this matter and you should step aside from your position for this latest episode of your fear mongering about a program that you overcharge the patients, provide no leadership on and now you want to foist Marinol on us. Shame on you!
Speaking Truth,
We appreciate all comments, even when a person uses different names to post similar concepts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. At ADHS, we have a responsibility to only use scientifically-based information for our website.
To Whom It May Concern, I am 62 yr. old Vietnam Vet who suffers from (Chronic Pain, Hepatitis C, PTSD, Agent Orange), I plan on coming to Arizona next month, I would like to sign up for your Medical Medicine Marijuana Plan. How do I go about seeing your Doctors and getting my Prescription Marijuana Card, any advice will be greatly appreciated, thank-you sincerely. Timothy O’Connor
We can’t reccommend a doctor for you, you will have to find one on your own. As far as obtaining the card once you have the information needed from a doctor, please visit our website at . Everything is done online.
As usual you scrub comments that are posted that you do not like and this powerpoint presentation is full of errors and misinformation. Stop promoting Marinol a Schedule III drug that is pushed by a for-profit pharmaceutical company. Please tell the 22,000 MMJ patients what is Marinol made of that is from the cannabis sativa plant? It is 100% synthetic and only approved for cancer patients under special circumstances. It costs $1,600 a month for 60 tablets and that’s with an insurance card.
Take that powerpoint presentation off the website and use information from Patients Out of Time or Americans for Safe Access ( Get with the program Mr. Humble and stop your fear mongering on our program. You are a hired hand here and not god!
We appreciate all comments, even when a person uses different names to post similar concepts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. At ADHS, we have a responsibility to only use scientifically-based information for our website.
Once again you have scrubbed off the public comments to your blog. Why is this erroneous report being put on a website for medical marijuana when it is pushing Marinol a synthetic narcotic manufactured by a Big Pharma company. What does Marinol even have to do with Medical Marijuana? Synthetic drugs that mimic marijuana are at the smoke shops under the names of K2, Spice and add Marinol to the list.
Take the report down and put up authoritative and accurate information since this isn’t National Enquirer magazine despite your ignorance on the subject.
Mary Jane,
We appreciate all comments, even when a person uses different names to post similar concepts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. At ADHS, we have a responsibility to only use scientifically-based information for our website.