The CDC just developed a great new Cost Calculator that provides state-level annual medical expenditure and absenteeism estimates for 10 chronic conditions. The tool provides medical expenditures for all of AZ for all payers as well as specific payers Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial insurers. The 10 chronic conditions are arthritis; asthma; cancer; cardiovascular diseases (congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and other heart diseases); depression; and diabetes. Graphs and charts are provided to visually communicate the cost estimates.
The Cost Calculator estimates were derived from state- and national- level data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and National Nursing Home Survey so the estimates may differ from estimates generated directly from analysis of claims data. However, folks can do a customized analysis using other data sources including Medicaid or Medicare claims data. Technical support can be requested at the website or at [email protected].