People with a serious mental illness die more than 30 years earlier than people without those challenges. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reflecting about some of the innovative strategies that we’ve implemented with our behavioral health community partners over the last several years to improve the health status of folks with a serious mental illness.
I’ll start with a project that began with modest funding from SAMHSA, through a grant meant for small pilots to test concepts in our community. In 2009, we and AHCCCS jointly applied for and got a Transformation Transfer Initiative grant which was used to initiate a peer-based whole health program Maricopa and Pima Counties. The goal of the program was to help transform the behavioral health system into one that applies a holistic approach to consumer health.
Magellan Health Services of Arizona launched the first phase of Integrated Health Homes as part of this initiative- bringing together mental health and physical health care. The model was a partnership between Magellan, Maricopa Integrated Health System, and CHOICES Network, Partners in Recovery, People of Color Network and Southwest Network. By 2013, there were 10 Integrated Health Homes in Maricopa County that have been providing coordinated care for members. Thousands of people have received coordinated care and achieved better outcomes through these health homes. Here are some additional typical health home participant vignettes that profile service recipients who can benefit from the initiative.
In the coming weeks, I’ll cover improvements in the Crisis Response System, the kids system of care, children’s substance abuse, coordination with the correctional system, and performance dashboards.
Mr. Humble: What is being done about the violations (patient health, security, quality of care) at the AZ State Mental Hospital? Isn’t this under your purview?
Last September the Arizona State Hospital (ASH) was inspected (surveyed) for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The survey team can review over 20 different areas and three were identified that we needed to address: Governing Body, Patient Rights, and Nursing Services. In December, we developed and implemented a Plan of Correction which was submitted to CMS.
A few months ago we had a return visit from CMS surveyors to verify whether we executed our Plan of Correction. CMS concluded that we’re satisfying their requirements, and that the Arizona State Hospital is in good standing, including our Deemed Status as a result of our Joint Commission Certification.
This is the ADHS list of drugs they use for “Behavioral Health” I have watched the effect of these homicide/suicide pills in my home and in my community that turn people into Generic Zanax Zombies. The state of Arizona passes out these behavioral drugs to the poor like candy for anything from losing your job to your girl friend. This is the Addiction Industry that the Medical Marijuana people have been fighting for 50 years. Synthetic drugs are dangerous and they are creating havoc in our living rooms and filling our emergency rooms and cemeteries. Get these Murder/Massacre Mood Drugs and Pill Pushers off our streets and out of our state.
Division of Behavioral Health Services
Drug List and Prior Authorization Guidelines
ADHS/DBHS Prior Authorization Guidance Documents
ADHD Medications in Children Under 6 Years Old
Antidepressants with Cytochrome P450 Mediated Drug Interactions
Antipsychotic Medications in Children Under 6 Years Old
Brand Name Antipsychotic Augmentation of Antidepressant Therapy
Brand Name Medications
Concomitant Antidepressant Treatment
Concomitant Antipsychotic Treatment
Exceeding FDA-Recommended Maximum Daily Dosages
Formulary Brand Name Long Acting Injectable Antipsychotics