This week I’m looking at what you are sure to hear a lot about in the coming three years. The CDC, led by Dr. Thomas Frieden, will be strategically addressing 5 “winnable battles” in public health. So far, I told you about Healthcare associated infections, childhood obesity and preventing smoking. We can make a difference in all of these, if people make personal changes. It is the same with the fourth winnable battle:
In the US, car crashes are the leading cause of death for people ages 1–34, and nearly 5 million people get injuries that require an emergency department visit each year. The economic impact is huge: car crashes cost around $230 Billion. Big problems include child passenger safety, teen drivers, impaired driving, distracted driving (e.g. texting, BlackBerrying), speeding, and senior driving.
You can visit our injury prevention website and look at the response end of traumatic injury on our trauma site where you’ll find Arizona specific reports like: Golden Hour by Region ASTR 2005-2008; Mode of Transportation ASTR 2005-2008; Over and Under-Triage Report 2009; Air Ambulance Abstract Final Version Sept09; All-Terrain Vehicle Related Unintentional Injuries Arizona 2003 – 2007; ATV Injuries in Children Fact Sheet; Helmet Your Child; Trauma Fast Facts – Injuries, Charges, Payor Mix and Cause of Injury by Legislative District and County; MVA Injury Fact Sheet; and Trauma Incidence in Maricopa County by Zip Code.
Hey there! I just want to state that I really enjoy your writing way and that I want to follow this blog frequently from now
Keep it up!
Great, thanks so much and I am glad that you enjoy the blog!
We finally have a law passed in georgia to keep people from texting and driving. hard to believe you need a law for that but i guess we do.
It is very hard to believe that we need a law to stop texting and driving..It’s very dangerous! Glad to hear they passed the law in Georgia!
Love this topic. The more I drive the crazier it is to believe that we live in a world that just ignores the problem that cell phones create. I’m hoping this will become a major issue in the next Presidential election. I’ll vote for anyone that tackles this head on and requires a device that disables cell phones will the engine is running. Please!