teens highschoolA couple months back, I sent a note to staff letting you know about an opportunity to help out kids in our hood…students at Capitol Elementary School.  Several of you volunteered and will be tutoring the kids a couple days a week in math and reading.

As Winston Churchill said:, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”  Volunteering’s a great thing to do.  Thanks to Kelli Donley, Joann Hatton, Gerilene Tsosie, Sherri Moncayo, Sherry Haskins, Jeff Jones, Ryan Fulmer, Jacqueline Luckey-Eaton, Sabrina Canela, Libby Puccio, Diane Flanagan, Della Maneese, Debra Kunkle, Jane Thompson for volunteering and thanks go out to their supervisors for making it possible.