suicideawarenessIn 2012, more than 1,000 Arizonans took their own lives, including more than 200 folks who had served in the military.  Suicide influences populations differently.  Nationally, the group committing suicide in the greatest numbers is elderly men.  In Arizona, we also have a high rate among American Indians.  Additionally, those with a serious mental illness are 12-15 times more likely to commit suicide than others.

We know suicide is preventable.  September is national suicide prevention month, with September 10th being a day of recognition.  Please consider wearing purple, the cause’s color, on September 10th – or any time during the month – as your sign of showing support for preventing suicide.

If you or someone you know is need of help, please reach out.  There are healthcare workers who are available 24-7 via the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK.  For more information e-mail