50 years of WIC: Innovation in Nutrition Education – Revitalizing the WIC Experience
This year, the Arizona Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) celebrates 50 years of service to the state. This includes providing access to nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and nutritious foods to children and families in Arizona. WIC serves income-eligible pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum participants, infants, and children under 5 years old. Nutrition education and breastfeeding support are [...]
How ADHS Regulates Marijuana Kitchens
Have you ever wondered how legal marijuana products are regulated to keep you safe? The Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) is responsible for licensing and regulating marijuana, marijuana retail sales, marijuana growth, and testing facilities in Arizona. That includes any licensed marijuana kitchens that manufacture edible products. In 2010, Arizona voters legalized medical marijuana. In 2020, voters also legalized [...]
Hydration is key to preventing heat-related illnesses and heat-related deaths
Whether inside or outdoors, your body loses water throughout the day, especially in extreme heat. Staying properly hydrated is critical in Arizona’s high temperatures. Water is the best choice for hydration during hot weather. Proper hydration helps your body regulate its temperature, eliminate waste, and keep your mind functioning well. Not getting enough water can have real effects on your [...]
We stand with the community today – National HIV Testing Day
Today is observed as National HIV Testing Day, a day to bring awareness to the need for all Arizonans to be aware of their HIV status. The Arizona Department of Health Services’ (ADHS) Office of HIV & Hepatitis C Services is proud to support HIV testing not only on this day, but year-round through at-home test kits and in-person testing [...]
Monsoon season in Arizona can bring cooler temps, along with high winds and flash floods
Monsoon season began last weekend, and while the season might bring cooler temperatures, it also creates perfect conditions for weather hazards like heavy rain, flash floods, high winds, and dust storms. High winds and dust storms can affect air quality, driving conditions, and can increase the chance of contracting water-borne illnesses. Air quality Microscopic dust particles can cause eye and [...]
Paving the way for increasing the number of vaccine providers
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program has provided life-saving vaccines to children in Arizona for the past three decades. The VFC program provides vaccination for children who might not otherwise get vaccinated because of financial barriers. The program is grounded in essential partnerships with private healthcare providers, tribal communities, community health centers, and local public health agencies that vaccinate children [...]