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As Monsoon Season Starts Take Steps to Keep Your Family Safe

By |2017-02-10T09:48:48-07:00June 14th, 2016|Preparedness|

Governor Ducey proclaimed this week (June 12-17) as Monsoon Awareness Week in Arizona. While we haven’t yet been hit by the rain we expect during monsoon, we’re anticipating another summer of severe weather. Monsoons in Arizona can be associated with extreme heat, thunderstorms, dust storms, flash floods and wildfires. For public health, this means revisiting our preparedness plans and [...]

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Stakeholder Meeting Examines Preventive Health for Adolescents

By |2017-02-10T09:48:48-07:00June 7th, 2016|Prevention|

Adolescence is a critical period of change. It is a time when teens develop life skills needed to successfully transition from childhood to adulthood that includes physical, intellectual and emotional changes. Adolescents who receive preventive health care are more likely to graduate from high school, and are more prepared to make that successful transition to [...]

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Arizona State Hospital Campus Seeks Public Private Partnership

By |2017-02-10T09:48:49-07:00June 2nd, 2016|General|

Many of you know that the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) operates the Arizona State Hospital (ASH), where we provide inpatient psychiatric care to persons with serious mental illness who are in need of long term behavioral health care. ASH personnel provide state-of-the-art inpatient psychiatric and forensic care to patients with the highest acuity [...]

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Confirmed Measles Cases in Arizona

By |2017-02-10T09:48:49-07:00May 27th, 2016|Preparedness|

Arizona has confirmed two cases of measles associated with an Eloy Detention Center this week. Measles is one of the most communicable diseases there is- 90% of non-immune people exposed to measles will get the disease . It’s a viral disease of the upper respiratory system that is spread in the air and through droplet [...]

Arizona’s Zika Action Plan Summit is in the books!

By |2017-02-10T09:48:49-07:00May 25th, 2016|Preparedness|

Yesterday, we hosted our Arizona Zika Action Plan Summit in Phoenix. Nearly 350 partners from across Arizona – public and environmental health departments, healthcare providers and organizations, key state and local agencies, elected officials, public health colleagues from the Ministry of Health in Sonora, and many, many other critical prevention and response partners – attended [...]

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Improving Timeliness of Infectious Disease Reporting in Arizona

By |2017-02-10T09:48:49-07:00May 24th, 2016|Preparedness|

Arizona laboratories are required to report certain infectious disease test results to public health so that our state and local disease investigators can prevent and control further spread of disease. Many labs do this by faxing or mailing paper to ADHS. Our informatics staff in the Office of Infectious Disease Services are transitioning these labs [...]

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Transforming Arizona Government: Improving Licensing Services

By |2017-02-10T09:48:50-07:00May 5th, 2016|Licensing|

As part of our agency transformation effort, we’ve been working hard on identifying and measuring what matters in our agency so we can move towards improvement in every area. We have one of broadest missions of any agency. Just tracking all the various programs and ways we work towards our mission is an incredible task. [...]

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Free Trainings to Learn about Adolescent Brain Development

By |2017-02-10T09:48:50-07:00May 4th, 2016|Prevention|

Adolescence is a critical developmental period that can have a significant impact on a person’s life course therefore, it is essential that those working with young people are better able to understand and connect with them. This is even more important when working with youth who have experienced any form of trauma. Our Bureau of [...]

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Expanding the Use of Data to Improve Health

By |2017-02-10T09:48:51-07:00April 22nd, 2016|Preparedness|

Recently our informatics staff in the Office of Infectious Disease Services partnered with hospital IT staff to add two more hospitals to BioSense, the national syndromic surveillance system. We now have 26 hospitals sharing information about all their emergency department visits, including the chief complaint, diagnoses, and patient demographics. We use BioSense to understand what [...]

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