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FDA Issues New Guideline for Eating Fish While Pregnant

By |2017-02-10T09:48:31-07:00January 23rd, 2017|Prevention|

Many women have questions about what is safe and healthy to eat when they’re pregnant. The information about eating fish can be confusing.  The good news is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have issued new advice regarding fish consumption. The information is meant for women who [...]

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Vital Records Data Helps Public Health Improve the Overall Health of Arizona

By |2017-02-10T09:48:31-07:00January 18th, 2017|Licensing|

One of the most popular features on our website and social media is the annual list of the top 100 baby names in Arizona. The list is created from our Bureau of Vital Records, which registers and issues birth certificates for all the babies born each year. While the list is a fun use of [...]

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Prevent infection: Four achievable New Year’s resolutions

By |2017-02-10T09:48:32-07:00January 11th, 2017|Preparedness|

It's that time again when New Year's resolutions are made, and sometimes broken. This year consider setting some achievable resolutions this year that can protect you from getting an infection. One: Wash your hands. You probably already do this after using the restroom, but are you washing before eating every meal? For at least 20 [...]

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Stay Active for a Healthier New Year

By |2017-02-10T09:48:32-07:00January 4th, 2017|Prevention|

Many of you may be thinking about making your health a priority in the New Year. Did you know that being physically active can help you increase your chances of living longer, feel better about yourself, decrease your chances of becoming depressed, sleep well at night, and stay at or get to a healthy [...]

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Healthy Eating; an Easy Resolution

By |2017-02-10T09:48:33-07:00December 30th, 2016|Prevention|

With the New Year just days away you might be like me, considering what you will resolve to do in 2017. Many times we set out to eat better and be more active but sometimes lose steam throughout the year. To be successful, divide big and vague goals like, “I will eat better” [...]

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Keep Your Smile Bright and Healthy Through the New Year

By |2017-02-10T09:48:33-07:00December 29th, 2016|Prevention|

The holidays bring family, friends and good times. It also brings a multitude of treats and sweets that are hard to refuse. With all that’s going on during this time of year, it’s easy to let things slide. Your oral health shouldn’t be one of them! Keeping your daily hygiene routine is important to your [...]

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Quitting Tobacco: A New You for New Year’s

By |2017-02-10T09:48:33-07:00December 28th, 2016|Prevention|

Quitting smoking is one of the hardest addictions to break, but it’s not impossible . A new year brings a sense of renewal and that’s why so many smokers make the resolution to quit. For some it’s a second, third or even tenth chance at kicking the habit. That sense of failure, or [...]

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Traveling this Winter? Make Sure to Fight the Bite!

By |2017-02-10T09:48:34-07:00December 19th, 2016|General, Preparedness|

With the holiday season upon us, you may be planning to travel to visit family and friends or to see different climates. Whatever the reason, it is important to take steps to stay safe while traveling. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website to view any travel notices and to check areas of [...]

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Help Protect Our Communities by Never Drinking and Driving

By |2017-02-10T09:48:34-07:00December 15th, 2016|Prevention|

Every year in Arizona, almost 300 people are killed in alcohol-related crashes. Many deaths occur around the holidays when people are more likely to be celebrating with friends and family. What make these deaths so heartbreaking is that they are preventable. The first and foremost step is never get behind the wheel if you have [...]

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Manage COPD With a Strong Support System

By |2017-02-10T09:48:35-07:00December 2nd, 2016|Prevention|

More than 330,000 Arizona residents live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but the numbers affected by this serious, chronic lung disease affect more than breathing. A diagnosis of COPD, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, comes with many physical and emotional challenges that can affect the whole family and circle of friends. From chronic [...]

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