Another article came out this week in the journal Pediatrics that points toward the importance of preconception health including maintaining a healthy weight before and during pregnancy. The authors explored the relationship between metabolic disorders like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity and outcomes such as autism and other developmental delays. They found an association between metabolic disorders and neurological problems in kids. The article concludes that “With obesity rising steadily, these results appear to raise serious public health concerns”. Add this article to the list of reasons why it’s important to eat right and get some physical activity.
PS- Note the key word “associated with” in the article. In the world of science there’s a big difference between association and causation. The word association means things are somehow linked- but it’s not intended to imply causation.
I agree with the opinion that it is essential to maintain health before pregnancy and during pregnancy. One of them avoid obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. By applying a proper diet to avoid these diseases, it will create the immune system and metabolic system in both mother and baby in the womb. So, endeavored that every pregnant woman who plans to diet to foods that are high in sugar and fat, fish with high content of heavy metals, glutein diet and casein, and some obstetricians recommended diet to avoid having a baby affected by autism. This could be one of the natural treatment for autism such as the one on my article.