Our Tobacco Prevention Program will be hitting targeted audiences (lower income Arizonans) a few days before New Years and during January with smoking cessation messages. There’s no better time to motivate folks to quit smoking than January because that’s the time of year when people generally set health goals for themselves. The ads (funded by a dedicated and voter protected tobacco tax) are designed to give people tools to increase their chances of success. There’s no easy way out once you are addicted to nicotine, but there are nicotine replacement therapies like the patch, gum, and lozenge; and there are medications such as Zyban® and Chantix® that can help. You can read more about cessation strategies and resources on our ASHline.
Thanks to ADHS staff and all of our partners in the community and other government agencies for their hard work this year. We have a lot to be proud of… and have a great Holiday…
My doc’s clinic says no to medical marijuana. Please let me keep my doc and also havea a medical marijuana doc.