Our SunWise Program and digital media department have been working diligently on creating a training video to promote sun safety and skin cancer prevention. The SunWise video serves as an easy to follow visual resource for educators, as well as the general public. How much do you know about skin cancer and risks associated with its development? Although being safe while in the sun comes as second nature to some, there are still individuals placing themselves at risk, as evidenced by the growing number of diagnosed skin cancer cases nationwide.

With year-round sunshine in Arizona, it’s important to make informed decisions to reduce the risks of overexposure and sunburns. Practicing good sun safety is important at any age, but it is critically important for children since about a quarter of a person’s lifetime exposure to the sun occurs before age 18. The SunWise video  provides a general overview of sun safety and skin cancer prevention tips for children and adults alike. It can be used by teachers and coaches to supplement classroom lessons or provide brief safety training in a workplace setting.

The SunWise program participates in community outreach events, health fairs, workplace presentations and school assemblies where students and attendees can interact with SunWise educators and have their questions answered directly. School teachers, educators and wellness coordinators interested in having the SunWise program participate at a school assembly, or a community event may contact the program directly at sunwise@azdhs.gov .