Any mom’s life lost is one too many. Over the years, maternal deaths and other complications that occur during and after pregnancy have been on the rise nationwide and in Arizona. 

In our state, about 70 women die each year, and about a third of these die from pregnancy-related complications, with the largest burden being among indigenous women. More than 80% of maternal deaths in Arizona are preventable, so it’s important to identify life-threatening risks as soon as possible.

Mothers who have recently given birth may sometimes feel like something with their body just doesn’t feel right. It’s important that their family members, friends, co-workers, and providers hear these concerns to ensure pregnant and postpartum women get the care they need. The Hear Her campaign, launched this month by ADHS in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aims to inform moms and their support systems of the urgent maternal warning signs that could potentially save their lives.

The ADHS Maternal Health Innovation and Maternal Mortality Review work with maternal health experts to address disparities in maternal health and improve maternal health outcomes. With the Hear Her campaign, we want women to advocate for themselves. For each, it could save the mother’s life and the life of her baby.

This campaign is designed to:

  • increase awareness of serious pregnancy-related complications and their warning signs;
  • empower women to speak up and raise concerns;
  • encourage women’s support systems to engage in important conversations with her about potential symptoms; and
  • provide tools for women and providers to better engage in life-saving conversations.

Please watch this CDC video to hear women talk about their own experiences with concerns during and after their pregnancies.