When I was a kid, it seemed like everyone walked to and from school. Today, less than 15% of students walk or bike to school. Walking and biking to school is a great way to help students arrive at school energized and ready to learn – it also helps them reach the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day. By leaving the car at home, we can improve the air quality so our kids with asthma can be active outside too.

Wednesday, October 3rd is International Walk to School Day. Over 40 countries around the world celebrate the many benefits of walking and biking to school; in the U.S, more than 4,000 schools will hold events – including dozens in Arizona. Walk to School events can be as simple as a few kids and parents meeting to walk to school or hosting an assembly to launch a walk or bike to school challenge for the month of October. For some parents it’s about where there is a safe route for their kids to walk to school. Through a partnership with the Arizona Department of Transportation, we help parents evaluate their neighborhood’s safety.

There’s a great example of how a Casa Grande school figured out the solution on our healthy living page.  Right now there are 37 Walk to School Day events registered in Arizona through walktoschool.org. Check out what’s going on nearby and find out how you can register an event at your school.