The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is funded by the fed’s and is established by an Arizona Executive Order.  They’re located on the second floor of our 1740 building.  The Council’s goal is to help folks with developmental disabilities and their families by supporting approaches that enable persons with DD to fully participate and contribute to their communities through full integration and inclusion. 
The Council is now collecting information to revise its 5 Year Plan and would like to have your input.  If you are a person with a developmental disability or have a family member with a developmental disability or just plain want to help you’re invited to participate by going to the DDPC Website, and clicking on the red banner announcing the DDPC survey.  You’ll be taken to the survey website, where the survey can be completed. 
Questions?  Contact Larry Clausen, Developmental Disabilities Planning Council by phone at 602/542-8977, or e-mail at