Our Behavioral Health Office of Prevention http://www.azdhs.gov/bhs/ops.htm provides tools, resources and technical support to promote the resiliency and prevention of behavioral health/substance abuse disorders in our communities. Our goal is to empower communities and kids to make healthier choices by collaborating with Arizona’s prevention workforce, including our Tribal/Regional Behavioral Health Authorities and local communities; strategically reducing substance abuse and suicide rates; and evaluating the effectiveness of prevention programs.
Check out this month’s newsletter Not Just a Minor Thing; Arizona Statewide Underage Drinking News (March 2010 Newsletter of the Under Age Drinking Prevention Committee) which has the: 1) latest research on the effects drinking laws and attitudes of peers and parents on drinking; 2) amazing work done in your own communities done by the C.O.P.E coalition; and 3) resources, events and more!