injury prevention

Injury Prevention is Everyone’s Business – Focus on Fall Prevention

By |2024-05-30T11:26:13-07:00May 30th, 2024|Prevention|

Each year, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) observes National Trauma Awareness Month in May. This year’s theme, Injury Prevention is Everyone’s Business, emphasizes that injury prevention is a collaborative effort.  Emergency medical services (EMS), first responders, healthcare providers, trauma centers, legal systems, educators, and the community all play a role in helping to [...]

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Public Health Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Overall Health of Arizona

By |2019-02-21T10:16:42-07:00February 21st, 2019|General|

Every day, public health works to keep Arizonans healthy and well by promoting good choices like healthy eating, regular physical activity, smoking cessation, vaccinations, and injury prevention through seatbelt and helmet use. We know that these choices lead to good health, but we also know that it's not always easy—or even possible—to make these choices. Many factors, including something known as [...]

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Be Vigilant to Stay Safe While Swimming

By |2017-07-21T12:30:40-07:00July 21st, 2017|Prevention|

In the summer months many of us find our way to a local swimming pool to cool down. Whether you use your own pool, a neighbors’, the community pool, or even a plastic kiddie pool, our Injury Prevention team reminds you to stay vigilant when children are around water. A fun day in the sun [...]

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Keep Your Family Safe this Independence Day

By |2017-07-03T08:55:31-07:00July 3rd, 2017|Prevention|

The bright flash of red, white, and blue accompanied by a thunderous boom defines Independence Day for many Americans. Dozens of professional fireworks shows are preceded and followed by thousands of amateur exhibitions. Arizona relaxed its stance towards the sale and use of fireworks a few years ago but the danger remains. Our Injury Prevention team [...]

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A Healthy Community Starts with a Healthy You

By |2017-04-04T09:26:39-07:00April 4th, 2017|Prevention|

Note: This week is National Public Health Week. This week I have a five-part public health series that explores the vast network of programs and services that help improve the health and wellness of all Arizonans.  The Public Health Prevention Team is dedicated to improving the quality of life for an individual, which improves the [...]

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Follow These Tips to Avoid Unintentional Injuries from Toys

By |2017-02-10T09:48:32-07:00January 3rd, 2017|Prevention|

As parents we need to be vigilant to keep our kids safe with their new holiday toys. Always double check to make sure toys are age appropriate. Many toys have small, moving parts that can become a danger. Sometimes it’s not the toy itself but something hidden, like a battery, that can be a choking hazard. If [...]

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Injury Surveillance System Exceeds Scores on Federal Assessment

By |2017-02-10T09:49:04-07:00December 4th, 2015|General, Preparedness|

Our department's injury surveillance system achieved an overall score of 86.1 percent in a Traffic Records Assessment that was just completed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. We exceeded the 24-state average score of 64.3 percent. The Traffic Records Assessment was managed by the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, which worked with staff from our [...]

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Keeping Arizona’s Workforce Healthy

By |2017-02-10T09:49:09-07:00September 16th, 2015|Preparedness, Prevention|

Occupational injuries and illnesses are significant but preventable public health problems, which can result in both healthcare and economic costs for workers and employers.   We recently conducted an analysis using nationally recognized occupational health indicators in order to better understand Arizona’s occupational health successes and opportunities.  The first Arizona Occupational Health Hazard Indicator Report was released this summer.  The [...]

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Weigh in on Arizona’s Maternal & Child Health Block Grant

By |2017-02-10T09:49:46-07:00March 12th, 2014|Prevention|

Our Women’s and Children’s Health team administers the AZ federal maternal Child Health Block Grant.  This grant is authorized through Title V of the Social Security Act and has been in place since 1935.  Every 5 years we look at the health and well-being of Arizona’s women and children and develop our top priorities based [...]

Public Health Initiatives for Refugees in AZ

By |2017-02-10T09:49:54-07:00January 28th, 2014|General|

Last year 3,663 refugees resettled in Arizona from 45 different countries (about 1/3 were from Iraq).  Refugees have a variety of pressing social, economic and health needs when they arrive. That’s where our ADHS Refugee Health Program comes in.  Our Refugee Health Coordinator, Zachary Holden, works with partners to ensure that refugees arrive healthy and maintain good [...]

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