Will Humble

About Will Humble

Will Humble, M.P.H. Director Arizona Department of Health Services

New Respiratory Viral Panel

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 25th, 2014|General|

Throughout the year, we talk a lot about flu, but there are several other respiratory viruses like parainfluenza, RSV, adenoviruses, and coronaviruses that can also cause respiratory infections.  Our State Laboratory has been able to detect most of these viruses through a battery of test methods, but now we have a way to consolidate testing for [...]

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Ventanillas de Salud Snags the 2014 AMC Fannin Award

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 24th, 2014|Behavioral Health, General, Preparedness, Prevention|

The annual plenary session of the Arizona-Mexico Commission wrapped up Friday night.    The Ventanilla de Salud (Health Windows) program won the Arizona Mexico Commission’s Paul Fannin award.  This is a top recognition for the Commission- with the award going to “… an organization that has demonstrated acts of goodwill and support toward the development of the Arizona-Sonora relationship.”  [...]

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Bacteriology Revolution Coming

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 23rd, 2014|General|

When a case of tuberculosis (TB) is suspected, it’s important to rapidly identify it to treat the person and prevent the spread of disease in Arizona. Our State Laboratory is critical in the identification of TB and other bacterial pathogens. The faster these diseases can be detected, the faster public health folks can take action. The [...]

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Ventanillas de Salud Snags the AMC Fannin Award

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 21st, 2014|General|

The annual plenary session of the Arizona-Mexico Commission wrapped up last night with some important health events.  The Ventanilla de Salud (Health Windows) program won the Arizona Mexico Commission’s Paul Fannin award for our public health collaborations last Friday night.  This is a top award for the Commission- with the award going to “… an organization that has demonstrated acts of goodwill and support toward the [...]

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Our Southern Neighbor’s Healthcare System

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 20th, 2014|General|

About 10 years ago Mexico’s healthcare system experienced a radical transformation. With the creation of the “System of Social Protection in Health” Mexico set in motion a process to provide universal access to healthcare for the entire country.  Prior to implementing the System of Social Protection in Health, access to care was largely restricted to [...]

New ADHS Annual Reports

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 19th, 2014|General|

Sprinkled throughout state statute, ADHS has several required reports that we issue on a regular basis. These reports are important and help create and maintain a level of transparency and accountability in everything we do. We recently published the annual Smoke Free report, and the Food Analysis Safety Report, and our 2013 Agency Annual Report, highlighting [...]

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Why is Ozone Bad?

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 18th, 2014|Prevention|

The regular Oxygen that we breathe is 2 oxygen atoms hooked together to make an oxygen molecule O2.  Ozone is an oxygen molecule that has 3 oxygen atoms (O3).  That third oxygen atom makes it reactive- especially with mucous membranes and lung tissue- which leads to health problems when people or animals are exposed to too much [...]

Turning the Tide on Dialysis Infections

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 17th, 2014|General|

Our 2nd annual ADVICE Collaborative II (called Turning the Tide on Infections) was held on May 17. Over 168 attendees representing the dialysis provider community, ADHS licensing, ADHS infectious disease services and Healthcare Associated Infections Advisory Committee End Stage Renal Disease Subcommittee continued their learning, sharing and networking to improve infection control performance in dialysis centers. Tamara Hoxworth [...]

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New (Higher) Fish Consumption Recommendations for Pregnant Women

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 16th, 2014|General|

Last week the FDA & EPA announced new draft fish consumption recommendations for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. The new recommendations recommend at least 2 servings of low-mercury seafood every week. The recommendations are a big shift for the FDA & EPA- whose previous seafood advisory in 2004 set only an upper limit on the [...]

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Men’s Health Week

By |2017-02-10T09:49:36-07:00June 13th, 2014|Prevention|

This week is Men’s Health Week, which is typically celebrated the week before Father’s Day. The health observance week is important to bring attention to the health issues men face, but we know staying healthy is a lifelong process. Year round we focus on men’s health issues through our Man Up Arizona blog. The blog [...]

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