Will Humble

About Will Humble

Will Humble, M.P.H. Director Arizona Department of Health Services

Dramatic Results from AZ’s Cardiac Arrest Receiving Center Initiative

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 30th, 2014|General|

A few years ago our Bureau of EMS & Trauma System enticed dozens of AZ hospitals to become a Cardiac Receiving Centers.  The initiative helps hospitals provide treatments scientifically proven to improve a patient’s survival rate (like using therapeutic hypothermia to improve the chances of survival).  The program also includes protocols for the pre-hospital teams [...]

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The 5th “Vital Sign” & the Painkiller Epidemic (Part I of V)

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 29th, 2014|General|

In our lifetimes, each one of us is likely to experience pain.  The pain experience could be acute and resolve itself in short order (like a bee sting).  Pain can also be a chronic experience lasting a long time with varying levels of intensity (like rheumatoid arthritis).  Pain is also subjective and what one person considers [...]

Behavioral Health “Summer Institute”

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 28th, 2014|Behavioral Health|

Several staff from the Division attended and conducted presentations at the annual summer institute held by ASU’s Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy.  This is the largest local conference for behavioral health professionals.  This conference was originally created by our Behavioral Health Division in collaboration with ASU 15 years ago. Today, it continues to provide [...]

New Abortion Clinic Regulations Filed

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 25th, 2014|General|

Last Spring the Legislature passed and the Governor signed a new law that provided our agency with the same inspection authority at abortion clinics that we have at all the other healthcare institutions we license.  The previous authority required us to give abortion clinics a 10 day notice before we conduct a routine inspection.  We also used to have to [...]

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Adjusting Our Vital Records Business Model

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 25th, 2014|General|

Our Vital Records team has a wide range of business functions.  We’re responsible for maintaining and issuing certified copies of vital records, including birth and death certificates, registration of adoptions, and corrections and amendments to these vital records.  Much of our work also includes helping the county vital records offices with their mission of verifying [...]

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Outstanding Success by Newborn Screening Team

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 24th, 2014|General|

Last month I bragged about how our newborn screening team beat the deadline I gave them to improve our system – a system that ensure blood spots taken from newborns are quickly screened for life-threatening diseases. Now that the actual deadline is past, it’s good to see the team and our licensed hospitals exceeded what [...]

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 23rd, 2014|Prevention|

The monsoon season marks the tick season here in Arizona, and one of most important tick-borne disease threats in the state is Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  The symptoms usually start with a fever of two or more days and can lead to a nasty “spotted” rash (although the rash is not always present in the cases [...]

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Opening the Doors to People with Special Needs: Solutions to Prepare Your Practice

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 22nd, 2014|General|

Our Office of Children with Special Healthcare Needs has been working with UnitedHealthcare Community Plans and AHCCCS to support an important free conference on Friday, July 25, to improve the care delivery system in Arizona for children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities and their families. The goal of the free conference is to [...]

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AZ Losing Traction on Vaccine Front

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 21st, 2014|Prevention|

Arizona law requires kids to get certain vaccines in order to attend school unless a doctor signs a medical exemption form or a parent signs a religious or personal belief exemption form.  There’s been an increasing number of parents who are signing personal belief exemption forms- putting herd immunity at risk. Every year we examine [...]

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Long-Term Care Infection Prevention and Control Collaborative

By |2017-02-10T09:49:34-07:00July 18th, 2014|Licensing, Prevention|

Our Licensing, Preparedness and Healthcare-Associated Infections shops joined forces with APIC Consulting Inc. to provide a free day-long event to provide training to skilled nursing facilities about how to prevent  healthcare-associated infections.  The training will be based on the Infection Preventionist's Guide to Long-Term Care. The goals are to help healthcare providers to:  1) identify infection prevention [...]

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