tobacco cessation

No Menthol Sunday: How ASHLine’s Enhance Support is Tackling Health Disparities in Arizona

By |2024-05-23T13:59:08-07:00May 23rd, 2024|Prevention|

On May 19, we recognized No Menthol Sunday, a national observance aimed at raising awareness of the harms associated with menthol cigarettes and promoting the benefits of quitting. This year's event coincides with the Arizona Department of Health Services' renewed commitment to accessible health services through the Arizona Smokers Helpline (ASHLine). The ASHLine's expanded eligibility [...]

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The benefits of quitting commercial tobacco begin almost immediately

By |2023-11-16T12:44:03-07:00November 16th, 2023|General, Prevention|

Today is the Great American Smokeout, an event that happens on the third Thursday of each November to encourage those who smoke to start their journey toward a smoke-free life.  In the 15 years since voters approved the Smoke Free AZ Act, Arizona has made significant progress in the battle to reduce commercial tobacco use [...]

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Arizona Youth Coalitions Receive National Awards

By |2017-02-27T12:39:13-07:00February 27th, 2017|Prevention|

In preparation for National Kick Butts Day on March 15—a national day when youth speak up and take action against tobacco use—the Campaign For Tobacco-Free Kids offers mini grants to support groups across the U.S. that demonstrate creativity, youth leadership, and careful planning to reach the media and public. This year we're excited to announce [...]

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E-Cigarettes are the Next Battlefront in Tobacco Prevention

By |2016-06-10T09:21:19-07:00June 10th, 2016|General, Prevention|

In the last several years electronic cigarettes have gained popularity, especially among youth, as a “safe” alternative to traditional cigarettes. A recent report from the CDC showed that while youth smoking rates are decreasing nationwide and in Arizona, there has been a significant rise in the use of e-cigarettes. The report showed that the rise in use [...]

FDA Bites the E-cigarette Regulation Bullet

By |2017-02-10T09:49:42-07:00April 24th, 2014|Prevention|

It’s no public health secret that tobacco use continues to be a dominant cause of preventable disease and death in the US.  While the trend has been encouraging (Arizona’s smoking rate is down to 17%), there’s still much work to be done- and continued efforts to provide creative and effective ways to help adult smokers [...]

Leveraging Medicaid to Help Arizonans “Kick the Habit”

By |2017-02-10T09:50:08-07:00September 19th, 2013|Prevention|

Many of the health disparities in the US are linked to income.  In general… the lower a family’s income the greater the prevalence of health disparities.  Health impacts from smoking cigarettes are no exception.  Arizonans below the poverty line (100% of FPL) are 40% more likely to smoke than those with more money... and about 34% of [...]

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Building a Healthier Border

By |2017-02-10T09:51:27-07:00October 28th, 2011|General|

You can think of the border public health advocacy network as a binational matrix of public health partners that collaborate to improve conditions along the US-Mexico border.  The network includes national organizations like the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission along with state based partnerships like the Arizona-Mexico Commission and the annual U.S.-Mexico Border Governor’s Conference.  Community based binational partnerships [...]

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