prevent strokes

Improving Stroke Care and Positioning Our Efforts to Address Alzheimer’s

By |2017-02-10T09:49:09-07:00September 24th, 2015|Prevention|

For the past several years stroke has been recognized as the fourth leading disease-related cause of death in Arizona, making it eligible for tobacco tax funding under Proposition 303. Our Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease (BTCD) has been dedicating a portion of tobacco tax revenues to fund the development of healthcare systems aimed at increasing the [...]

2010 American Fitness Report

By |2017-02-10T09:52:16-07:00June 2nd, 2010|General, Prevention|

Which city do you think is overall more fit and healthy, Phoenix or Pittsburgh.  I won’t give you the answer, you’ll have to go to this year’s The ACSM American Fitness Index Report at to get the answer.  They put this report out every year to help city planners, policy makers, health educators, and [...]

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