opioid response

Sharing Public Health Data in New Ways

By |2019-02-04T09:53:02-07:00February 4th, 2019|General|

Public health professionals use data to drive decisions about public health priorities, the need for new programs or policies, and the effectiveness of public health intervention. However, without clear and accessible data, it’s difficult to make informed decisions. That’s why over the last several years, we’ve worked hard to improve our data displays to enhance [...]

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Opioid Response Update: Updated Data, Naloxone Trainings, Emergency Rule Making

By |2017-07-14T12:54:17-07:00July 14th, 2017|Prevention|

With three weeks of real time data reported to us, there has been 661 possible opioid overdoses in Arizona, with 8 percent of those resulting in death. This is cumulative data since Governor Ducey’s executive order for enhanced surveillance went into effect on June 15. The report for June 15 to July 6 shows that the highest [...]

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Opioid Response Update: More Real Time Data Reported

By |2017-07-07T11:16:28-07:00July 7th, 2017|Prevention|

This week marks our second week of posting a report of real time data reported to us from healthcare providers, first responders, law enforcement agencies, and pharmacists in our coordinated response to the alarming increase in opioid deaths in Arizona. The data is cumulative since June 15, with a total of 444 suspected opioid overdoses, 36 [...]

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