
Suicide Prevention Award

By |2017-02-10T09:51:33-07:00September 26th, 2011|Behavioral Health|

Last week the Teen Lifeline rolled out its new public service announcement  (PSA) featuring Bridget Pettis from the Phoenix Mercury. Teens attending rallies at Desert Ridge and Tempe Marketplace, as well as 1,500 middle school aged youth attending a bullying prevention event with the Mercury at US Airways were able to view the PSA. This PSA was [...]

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Behavioral Health Kicking the Habit

By |2017-02-10T09:51:34-07:00September 13th, 2011|Behavioral Health, General|

For the past 16 months, our folks in the Division of Behavioral health and our Bureau of Tobacco and Chronic Disease and ASHline have been working to train clinical behavioral health staff in Maricopa and Pima Counties on how to get folks into smoking cessation (quit) services.  The overall goal of this collaboration was to establish [...]

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Behavioral Health Outcome Dashboards Really Taking Off

By |2017-02-10T09:51:38-07:00July 18th, 2011|Behavioral Health|

One of our primary objectives over the last couple of years in behavioral health has been to shift the focus of our performance measures away from process and procedures toward actual outcomes.  In other words, we don’t want to measure our success on whether someone’s paperwork is right, but on whether the services we provide [...]

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Behavioral Health Performance Improvements

By |2017-02-10T09:52:10-07:00September 7th, 2010|Behavioral Health|

By working closely with our behavioral health contractors over the last couple of years we’ve been able to make some significant improvements in the quality of care that we’re providing.  Examples of our accomplishments are available in newly created outcome dashboards developed by CPSA, NARBHA, Cenpatico and Magellan.  The dashboards provide monthly reports using web-based [...]

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Health and Safety of Residential Clients Protected

By |2010-08-17T08:17:49-07:00August 17th, 2010|General|

Last month, the City of Phoenix submitted a complaint against a supervisory care center in Phoenix, alleging neglect of the residents.  Our team from Assisted Living Licensing worked with the Phoenix Police Department, Phoenix Fire Department, and a Phoenix neighborhood association to conduct an investigation of the supervisory care center.  The investigation substantiated that approximately [...]

Magellan Year 5

By |2017-02-10T09:52:11-07:00August 12th, 2010|Behavioral Health, General|

Last month we approved the renewal of the fifth and final year of the Magellan behavioral health contract in Maricopa County.   Before making the decision to grant the 5th year of the contract, our team assessed the progress that has been made in various areas, including access to and coordination of care; grievance and appeal [...]

Behavioral Health Service “Conversions”

By |2010-06-03T08:53:15-07:00June 3rd, 2010|Behavioral Health|

As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, the service package for folks with serious mental illnesses that don’t qualify for our state Medicaid program (AHCCCS) is being reduced beginning July 1 because of budget reductions.  As a result, it’s more important than ever to make sure that everybody that may qualify has the opportunity top get [...]

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3rd Annual MyFest

By |2017-02-10T09:52:22-07:00March 30th, 2010|Uncategorized|

Saturday is the third annual MyFest event out a Tempe town Lake.  This is a huge Magellan-organized youth event aimed at combating stigma associated with mental illness and is a great opportunity to get positive messages out there to youth across the state.  We expect several thousand youth to be there. It’s a youth involvement [...]


By |2017-02-10T09:52:24-07:00February 18th, 2010|Uncategorized|

The MY LIFE program is an award winning approach to helping youth that have experience mental health, substance abuse and/or foster care-related issues to use their experiences, talents and voice to make positive changes in their lives while helping others to do the same.  MY LIFE provides an excellent opportunity for youth to have an [...]

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