healthy eating and physical activity

America’s Health Rankings 2015 Annual Report

By |2017-02-10T09:49:04-07:00December 11th, 2015|General|

​Have you ever wondered how Arizona ranks among other states in overall health or specific health issues? For over 25 years, United Health Foundations has been publishing a report looking at four different categories of health determinants: behavioral, community, policy and environment, and clinical care. These reports provide a snap shot of state health. Today, the United Health Foundation released its America's [...]

What Zero Grams (0g) of Trans Fat Really Means

By |2017-02-10T09:49:29-07:00September 25th, 2014|Prevention|

Eating foods with trans-fat (or trans fatty acids) raises low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol), lowers your high-density lipoprotein (“good” cholesterol), and is linked to heart disease.  Trans fat provides no health benefit and there’s no safe level of eating trans-fat.  The FDA, American Heart Association, and the Institute of Medicine all agree that trans fatty acids [...]

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