
Topics here will include issues that fall into the Prevention Division of the agency, which include – as the name implies – programs that help prevent disease in our state. You will find information about chronic diseases (cancer, heart health, breathing disorders) as well as tobacco use prevention. This area also includes education about Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and the Women, Infant and Children programs; both USDA programs that help provide nutrition to lower income residents.

Hospital Bloodstream Infection Rates Go Online

By |2017-02-10T09:51:17-07:00February 23rd, 2012|General, Prevention|

Bloodstream infections that start because of a “central line” in a person’s body are among the most serious of all healthcare-associated infections- causing thousands of deaths each year and about $700M in added costs.  The CDC estimates that there were about 41,000 infections like these U.S. hospitals last year…  and 25% percent of patients who [...]

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Lifesaving test

By |2017-02-10T09:51:17-07:00February 23rd, 2012|Prevention|

You’ve probably read or heard about my experience with my colonoscopy when I turned 50.  For years doctors have recommended getting a colonoscopy when you turn 50.  If doctors see something unusual like a polyp, they can remove it while they are there - which is what happened to me.  But they really didn’t have [...]

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19 Kids to Miss a Month of School

By |2017-02-10T09:51:18-07:00February 15th, 2012|Preparedness, Prevention|

A 4th grader in Gilbert was diagnosed with the mumps last week. Had all the staff and faculty in the school been previously vaccinated for the mumps at the school- it really would’ve been no big deal. But, it turns out that 19 kids at the school hadn’t been vaccinated for the mumps (mainly because [...]

AZ Smallpox Outbreak

By |2017-02-10T09:51:19-07:00February 6th, 2012|Prevention|

Smallpox broke out in southeast Arizona almost exactly 100 years ago last week (co-incident with the Statehood activities).  The first cases were in Tucson and Douglas with a few dozen cases and several deaths… and there were a few additional cases in Nogales and Globe.  Of course, all the cases were among folks that hadn’t been vaccinated.  [...]

Referee a Safe Super Bowl Party

By |2017-02-10T09:51:19-07:00February 2nd, 2012|Prevention|

When it comes to the Super Bowl, defense matters. When it comes to planning a Super Bowl XLV party, good defense against foodborne illness matters even more. Food Safety Playbook Fans should follow the food safety play book at the Super Bowl parties that they host. Large gatherings can increase the chance of becoming ill, [...]

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New School Lunch Standards on the Way

By |2017-02-10T09:51:20-07:00January 31st, 2012|General, Prevention|

The USDA released a new final rule that will set new nutrition standards for the federal child nutrition programs that serve millions of children across the country every day. The new rule fleshes out the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. It’ll increase how many fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are in school lunches [...]

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Fl- – An Inexpensive Public Health Intervention

By |2017-02-10T09:51:21-07:00January 11th, 2012|Prevention|

When I was a kid growing up in Tucson- it seemed like we lived at the dentist- and getting cavities filled was routine.  It’s way better these days because of a host of public health and dental product interventions…  but 75% of Arizona kids still have tooth decay by the time they’re in 3rd grade. Around 1900 [...]

Folic Acid Awareness Week

By |2012-01-09T08:56:30-07:00January 9th, 2012|Prevention|

This week is National Folic Acid Awareness Week and a great time to start taking a multivitamin with 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day.   So, whether or not you’re planning to have a baby this year, you can start the New Year with healthy habits that will help give a baby a healthy start [...]

Prevention and County Health

By |2012-01-05T10:44:28-07:00January 5th, 2012|Prevention|

Our prevention and county health folks will be spending more time working to help counties, schools, and communities to adopt policies that will reduce obesity, chronic disease and disparities.  One area of focus will be Border Health where the objectives include reducing motor vehicle accidents and substance abuse.  There will also be more going on [...]

Do Yourself A Favor in 2012

By |2017-02-10T09:51:21-07:00January 4th, 2012|General, Prevention|

Life is a precious gift.  None of us knows long our gift will last, so it’s important to make the most of every day.  That means doing everything you can to stay healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.  A lot of folks will say – I’m stuck with my health because of my genes, [...]

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