scientific studies

New M2 Petitions on Horizon Again

By |2017-02-10T09:50:45-07:00January 23rd, 2013|General|

Last January we accepted petitions from the public to add PTSD 1; PTSD 2; Depression; Migraines; and Generalized Anxiety Disorder to the list of conditions that qualify patients to receive a Medical Marijuana Registration Card.  Because my guiding principle for making the decision was to use science and research to make the decision, we contracted with the U of [...]

GRADEing Studies & Evidence

By |2012-07-19T08:04:06-07:00July 19th, 2012|General|

As I mentioned in my previous post, scientific studies (e.g. experimental v. observational design) have different strengths and weaknesses. Sources of evidence range from case reports at the lower end to well-designed large randomized experimental clinical studies that minimize bias.  Relying on poor quality evidence can lead to policy decisions that aren't in patients’ best interests- and it's super important [...]

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