
New M2 Petitions on Horizon Again

By |2017-02-10T09:50:45-07:00January 23rd, 2013|General|

Last January we accepted petitions from the public to add PTSD 1; PTSD 2; Depression; Migraines; and Generalized Anxiety Disorder to the list of conditions that qualify patients to receive a Medical Marijuana Registration Card.  Because my guiding principle for making the decision was to use science and research to make the decision, we contracted with the U of [...]

Medical Condition Petition Status

By |2012-07-06T11:11:56-07:00July 6th, 2012|General|

The AZ Medical Marijuana Act requires us to periodically accept petitions to add new medical conditions to the list of conditions that qualify folks for an AZ Medical Marijuana Registration Card.  In January, we accepted petitions from the public and had a public hearing in May.  Folks submitted numerous articles as a part their petitions for PTSD 1; PTSD 2; Depression; Migraines; and Generalized [...]

Integrated Care Resource

By |2017-02-10T09:51:37-07:00August 3rd, 2011|General|

We’ve probably all heard the saying “life happens”, right?  Sometimes our lives get really complicated with work, bills, family demands and other stress that makes our ability to cope day to day challenging.  This kind of increased stress over time can take a toll on our minds and bodies, so we head off to the [...]

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