school bus


By |2011-09-01T08:21:26-07:00September 1st, 2011|General|

Much of what we do in public health depends on the system seeking out “leverage” meaning designing interventions that have high impact with minimal cost.  Malena Bazurto and the Apache County Health District recently won a national award for her creative idea incorporating leverage.  Malena noticed that St. John’s had little walk-able space for folks to get [...]

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Healthy Schools

By |2010-09-03T09:24:51-07:00September 3rd, 2010|General|

I thought I’d do a piece on school environmental health now that school’s back in session.  About 1 million Arizona kids and 100,000 adults spend a big chunk of their day in Arizona’s public, private and charter schools.  Because schools can often be crowded environments, it’s important operate them in a way that maximizes a [...]

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