qualified patient

Flag Drops on First Medical Marijuana Comment Period

By |2010-12-17T09:10:09-07:00December 17th, 2010|General|

One of our top priorities as we implement the AZ Medical Marijuana Act over the coming months is to ensure that we develop good Rules (called Administrative Code) so we can regulate medical marijuana effectively.  Rules that are clear, objective, well-researched, and that balance competing interests are absolutely critical in order to effectively implement a responsible [...]

All Systems Go for Friday

By |2017-02-10T09:52:01-07:00December 10th, 2010|General|

Our preparation for the implementation of the AZ Medical Marijuana Act is on track.  We've made a great deal of progress on all fronts over the last couple of weeks.  The informal draft of the Administrative Code that we'll release next Friday is really starting to gel.  We've got the key elements hammered out and our [...]

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