hands-only bystander CPR

EMS Resuscitation Training Session a Success

By |2017-02-10T09:49:09-07:00September 17th, 2015|General, Preparedness|

As part of our on-going cardiac resuscitation quality improvement program, the Bureau of EMS and Trauma System along with the University of Arizona (UA) has made tremendous strides in saving lives by translating basic science advancements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) research into action by emergency providers. The discoveries have led to important changes in national standards and spawned the enormous [...]

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Ultra Brief CPR Videos Work

By |2017-02-10T09:51:51-07:00March 30th, 2011|Preparedness|

Each year, almost 300,000 people suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the United States. Survival rates from these events tend to be extremely low. However, research has shown that hands-only bystander CPR can triple survival from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.  The problem is that bystanders that witness a cardiac arrest only attempt CPR about 26% of the [...]

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