fetal/infant deaths

New Campaign Highlights Safe Sleep Awareness

By |2017-02-10T09:49:10-07:00August 18th, 2015|Prevention|

Today ADHS, the Safe Sleep Task Force, and several community partners launched a new public awareness campaign to teach parents and care givers of infants about safe sleeping environments. The numbers show heartbreaking statistics. In 2013, 74 infants died suddenly and unexpectedly, often referred to as SUID—sudden unexpected infant death. The cause of death for 64 of [...]

AZ’s Improving Our Birth Outcomes

By |2010-11-01T08:42:02-07:00November 1st, 2010|Prevention|

Did you know that Arizona achieved an historic low Infant Mortality Rate (5.9 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births) in 2009?  Infant mortality has long been a public health barometer to assess the general health of a community because good birth outcomes require a host of things to go right. There are many risk [...]

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