assisted living facilites

Tips for Visiting Friends and Loved Ones in Long-term Care and Assisted Living Facilities During the Holidays

By |2018-11-30T09:31:00-07:00November 30th, 2018|Licensing|

As the holidays approach, visiting friends and family residing in nursing homes and assisted living facilities is a top priority for many. The visits, while strongly recommended by those involved in health care and aging, are sometimes very emotional. We highly recommend that visitors plan ahead to ensure that the time spent together is as [...]

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Our Next Rulemaking Adventure

By |2011-11-22T15:02:21-07:00November 22nd, 2011|General|

We’ll be kicking off our newest Rulemaking Adventure on Monday... when we begin the process of putting together Rules for our Licensing shop that streamline and support healthcare integration- allowing the flexibility for healthcare institutions to provide a blend of physical and behavioral health services.  The idea is to put together licensing rules that are flexible and [...]

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