Arizona Infectious Disease Resource (IDAZ)

Healthy Kids AZ: A Free App for School Nurses and Childcare Staff

By |2017-08-23T08:21:48-07:00August 23rd, 2017|Preparedness|

Last year, our Bureau of Epidemiology and Disease Control launched its first mobile app for infectious diseases, the AZ infectious Disease Resource (IDAZ). We’re thrilled to announce that our mobile app team has partnered up with the Office of Injury Prevention to develop the second public health focused app, Healthy Kids AZ!   Healthy Kids AZ is a mobile app that [...]

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ADHS Earns Awards for Public Health Innovations and Dedication

By |2017-02-10T09:48:39-07:00October 12th, 2016|Preparedness|

The Arizona Infectious Disease Resource (IDAZ) mobile app won a first place award in the professional category for the Health Education Media Maker Yearly Award (HEMMY.) The HEMMY award recognizes health education or patient education material produced in Arizona. IDAZ is a free mobile app—found in the Apple and Google Play stores—where Arizona healthcare providers [...]

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