2010-2011 flu vaccine

Influenza’s Having a Field Week in AZ

By |2011-02-18T08:21:34-07:00February 18th, 2011|Preparedness|

The flu vaccine that you and your family got earlier will pay off over the next couple of weeks, it's going gangbusters right now.  We monitor several different indicators to determine the level of flu activity in the state and all are on the rise right now including increased school nurse and health care clinic visits for [...]

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Flu Season

By |2017-02-10T09:52:03-07:00November 9th, 2010|Preparedness|

Last year at this time the new H1N1 flu virus was going gangbusters.  Loads of Arizonans were getting sick (especially kids), the vaccine was still in short supply.  The county health departments were prioritizing which doctors could get the vaccine.  What a difference a year makes.   Flu activity across the country is light (so far), [...]

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