University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center

EMS Resuscitation Training Session a Success

By |2017-02-10T09:49:09-07:00September 17th, 2015|General, Preparedness|

As part of our on-going cardiac resuscitation quality improvement program, the Bureau of EMS and Trauma System along with the University of Arizona (UA) has made tremendous strides in saving lives by translating basic science advancements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) research into action by emergency providers. The discoveries have led to important changes in national standards and spawned the enormous [...]

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ADHS Rocks Resuscitation World (Again)

By |2010-10-08T11:21:48-07:00October 8th, 2010|Preparedness|

We were part of a landmark journal article in JAMA this week that will most likely change the way CPR is done in the US and maybe worldwide.  Our ADHS EMS team partnered with the UA, municipal fire departments & hospitals across the state to accurately track bystander CPR and survival rates from cardiac arrest and look [...]

Cardiac Arrest Survivor Program Launched

By |2017-02-10T09:52:15-07:00June 17th, 2010|Preparedness, Prevention|

We’ve made a lot of progress toward doing something about one of the biggest killers in the state and U.S.- cardiac arrest.  We’ve published peer-reviewed journal articles that demonstrate the superiority of the new hands-only CPR technique, implemented the new approach throughout the EMS community, made inroads with getting the public aware of the new [...]

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