datacenterWe collect all kinds of surveillance about prevalence of disease, birth, causes of death, reasons for hospital visits, smoking rates and hundreds of other indicators to help us assess health indicators and design interventions to improve outcomes.

For the first time ever in 2014, we developed a tool to explore this data and visualize it in several different ways. Our new Community Profiles Dashboard is a huge leap forward for public health professionals, city planners, non-profit organizations, medical providers and anyone who needs public health data to improve their performance. What makes the new Community Profiles Dashboard revolutionary is the way you can access, sort, and analyze the information. The Dashboard provides several options for looking at the state, county, or small community level data among the more than 100 Primary Care Areas in Arizona.

The site is user friendly and will work on a desktop or mobile device, like an iPad. If you want to take a quick tour of the Community Profiles Dashboard and learn about a few of the functions, take a look at our video tutorial. The video gives an overview of how to access the dashboard and a few of the functions. It’s the first in a series of four videos that will highlight data and different functions of the dashboard.