Our Bureau of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and the Bureau of EMS and Trauma System hosted a conference last week titled, “Integrated Response to Mass-Shooting.” Over 250-law enforcement, first responders, EMTs and hospital personnel came together to learn how state agencies are supporting integrated training. What’s so special about this is we had so many different jurisdictions available for this incredible training opportunity. We can accomplish so much more when we work together.

The conference included panel presentations made up of the law enforcement, fire, ambulance, and hospital sectors from Flagstaff, Gila River, Tempe, and the Northwest Fire District, who highlighted their approach to integrated training. First responders talked about the evolution of the way they respond to an active scene as well as the importance of communication between the various jurisdictions that may arrive on scene. Presentations on the special circumstances of school shooting and on the evidence for clinical practice in mass shooting closed out the conference. We’d like to thank everyone for their valuable input and participation!